Auteur : David
Facing COVID-19
I am fed up with the crisis
Only one word remains
Where are the other days
The days we were safe
Fear, Anger, Anxiety
New daily dose of news
News of a new dawn
or news from another doomsday
C O V I D 19 – 20 – 21
Upgrade your speeches
Tell me about tomorrow
Face today
Apologize for yesterday
Politics, ethics ? Relics !
Lead by miracle
‘Cause you don’t provide example
Move on ! Get out !
Live on. Survivors
There might be no other way
Than the path they wish you take
Sleep tight!
It might be your last night
Facing C19
Making sense of C19
Une intervention sur le plateau de Ce Qui Fait Débat sur La Première.
A moment of Eternity
I have experienced a moment of Eternity
I have felt a true vibration
That goes beyond the words
A precious instant written in my heart
A place where to travel again and again
I have lived a flash of Grace
Touched by the innocence of freedom
Nothing will ever erase this creation space
Walking behind your shape
I let myself travel to an unknown place
Climbing the stairs to a heavenly room
I cross the blue light of love
I wish this moment would never end
I wish this night would never stop
I wish to remain in this no man’s land
The eternal pleasure of a blink of time
Your hand on my face
Your voice whispering to my ears
Your skin close to my heart
Your soul reaching mine
It took us so much time to reach the stars
It lasted so little time to touch Eternity
J’ai reçu l’appel
Je sens des vibrations inhabituelles
C’est un beau matin d’automne
J’ignore ce qui m’attend
La barrière grince
Je m’approche du porche
La porte s’ouvre et la nouvelle tombe
Ironie, c’est la mort qui frappe
Les jambes coupées je m’effondre
Il a sauté et s’est envolé
Nous ne le reverrons plus
Si ce n’est en songe
Son dernier lit de vie
Du haut de son mirador il rit
Des feuilles l’accueillent
Il se pose et s’endort
Ses yeux se ferment
Son rire résonne
Les arbres pour l’entendre
C’est une belle soirée
Qui sonne le glas de sa vie
Je pleure et pleure encore
Un désespoir, une tristesse
Qui restera longtemps pour ne jamais disparaitre
Elle s’accroche et ne s’enlève pas
Comment oublier ?
On ne le peut
Pourquoi oublier ?
A quoi bon, la mort nous tient en vie
Et nous rappelle à nos vies.
La mort est douce et violente
Black Hole
A circle has come
More suffering ahead
Ashes smoke their souls
Animals are on fire
Nature gives what we deserve
The desert storm continues
Through the years and ages
Our funeral is sun
A coughing made of light
Burning the skin to die
Help needed on planet earth
Waisted crowds
Emptying the unsaid
Forced to gather hate
And struggling to preserve faith
The angel of darkness
Is reaching our hapiness
Never think
Never tell
What you feel
Never smell
Never taste
What could destroy
The puppets of major king
The alienated cries
The endless pride
We are looking for and dying with
Careless mind, conscious aborted
Let us suck the light
To discover the shadows
Song for Grey
Nothing to give
Nothing to take
Only shades of grey
Crying sky out of the blue
The ancient sun is gone
A deep hole took the green
Left and gone for a pray
Nothing to dream
Nothing to hope
Only shades of grey
Living the sick
Holding a child
The sacrifice comes
Not far away there are shades of grey
Back in desperate mode
Unplugged from this world
A priest will bring us faith
And we all loose our grey
Nothing to dig
Nothing to say
Only shades of grey