
The Bright

Unexpected evening without clouds
Finishing the day under the sun
Simple words and simple thoughts
Feeling home while away

Later that night small touches
Warmth and simplicity under the stars
Sweet kisses, close embraces
Crossing your eyes is a sweet caress

Dropping my jacket I follow your steps
In the white I feel a nest
The blue light transcends your soul
Sensing your soul, joining blissfulness

Reaching out to yourself
Is there a return way back
Potential dive into love
or simply a moment
There is no time to count
Only a passionate approach
That might lead to a deep connection

Is it a dream that you had
Is it a dream that we lived
Is it a time to unite
Only tomorrow will tell

This blue light kiss remains untouched
This blue light feel stays inside
Ahead there is no clear path
But in me a deep paradise

Would we be together
Would we dance in our minds
Can this remain forever
When we look at the stars

I can feel your head on my shoulder
I can smell your skin
I can see your eyes
And feel your little bites

Is is time to leave
It is nearly 3 AM
Do we know what tomorrow will tell unveil
Maybe the next time we go
In this bright moment
The blue light shall speak